Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday, October 8 precision of language


 At this point you should have shared your essays. Thank you!

In class:  Today you are working with a partner to see how well you are able to give precise, accurate directions, so as your partner is able to create an image you are describing, afterwhich you will switch places. You will have a sheet of paper and a sharpened pencil. 

Look at the picture above. Review these terms. These are some of the words you will be using.

In addtion, other directions include: in front of, behind, above, rectangular, triangualar, divided by, right, left, cardinal directions -eg. northeast corner, or clock times for direction- eg: the left hand is at 4 o'clock. And of course, there are the simple object directions, such as tree or house. 

The images will only be on the board. Not on the blog. 

Have fun. This is a simple 100 point bonus. That means, if you are missing one of the class assignments, you may substitute this. However, if you turn around before time is called, this opportunit y is forfeited.

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Friday-Tues, Jan 7-11 Story of an Hour (zoom) accompanying organizer

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