Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thurs, Jan 6 Story of an Hour Vocabulary

 Class blog:

IMPORTANT: you must check our class blog each day.  On Friday and Monday mornings, you will see a zoom link to our class. Please enter at your regular class time. You will be marked absent or tardy per your entrance. 

Today there is  an assignment posted. In order to receive attendance credit, you must submit the material by 3:30. This is a very short fill-in-the-word vocabulary assignment.

Please copy and paste onto a google doc and share at

On Friday and Monday, I will post a zoom link on the blog. To receive attendance credit, you must log on at your usual class time.

Questions? Concerns? Send me an e-mail!

 The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Learning Targets:

I can read closely to determine what the text says explicitly/implicitly and make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 

 I can determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development.

Below are ten vocabulary words and two idiomatic expressions.

At the end of the end of the blog, please copy the practice sentences into a google doc and insert the correct vocabulary word and form of the word into the sentence. You must have the correct form to receive credit.








The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin                    vocabulary  

Note that there are 10 words and 2 idioms.


1. laconic- adjective-  person, speech, or style of writing using very few words; brief, concise, terse, succinct, pithy


2.      throng-noun- noun- a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals.


3.      intrepid-adjective- adjective- fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect).


4.      to accost-verb- to approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.


5.      reticent- adjective- not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.


6.      hapless- adjective- (especially of a person) unfortunate.


7.      furtive- adjective-attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.


8.      irate- adjective- feeling or characterized by great anger.


9.      plethora- noun- a large or excessive amount of (something).


10.  felonious- adjective- wicked, cruel




11.  the sword of Damocles- if you have a sword of Damocles hanging over your head, something bad seems very likely to happen to you


12. Pyrrhic victory- a victory that is not worth winning because you have suffered so much to achieve it


Story of an Hour vocabulary practice

Below you will find 10 sentences. From the vocabulary words associated with Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour, select the best fits the context of the sentence. Check the blog for the definitions Please note that another part of speech may be substituted within the sentence. Adjust accordingly to receive credit.

Vocabulary choices: laconic, throng, intrepid, to accost, reticent, hapless, furtive, irate, plethora, felonious



1.   The pop star was so famous that people would ____________________ her on the street and at the supermarket to ask for her autograph.


2.   It is ok to be _________________________ around people you do not know very well. Who wants to be garrulous with people you just met?


3.   Amando quickly accepted the job, as it came with a ______________________ of opportunities and benefits.


4.   Most of the staff was ______________________ when speaking about the investigation and kept things hush-hush.


5.   The ___________________rabbit could not escape from the trap. This was clearly an unfortunate situation for the bunny.


6.   When the game ended, a __________________ of fans carried some of the winning players off the field.


7.   Although my mother was __________________about me wrecking her car, she still said she loved me

8. When the defendant stood before the court, he felt as if a _____________________________ reigned over his future, as he waited for the jury's decision.


9.   Every  _____________________ act in the state required at least thirty days in jail and a minimum $1,000 fine.

10. Adam finally won the court case, although it was a ____________________________, since the legal fees far outweighed the award.


11.   With great ________________________ and much courage, young people are making the trek north with the hope of making a better future for themselves.


12. .                Because the thief was _____________________, nobody discovered that he stole thousands of dollars in merchandise



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Friday-Tues, Jan 7-11 Story of an Hour (zoom) accompanying organizer

    Please join your class zoom meeting at the correct time. You must log in to receive attendance credit for the day.    Dorothy.Parker@RCS...